The genetics of the Pig – Agroceres PIC

Technology Evolving Gene Technology

Agroceres PIC is the undisputed leader in the Brazilian and Argentine swine genetics market. The company, formed by Agroceres Group and the Pig Improvement Company (PIC), has always excelled for its innovations, high technology, intensive genetic progress programs, and degree of excellence in products and services. It's been driving our swine industry for almost five decades.

PIC is active in almost 50 countries and has countless Pure Lines under continuous genetic development, meeting the multiple production requirements of the world's swine industry. International genetic leadership, proven by the production of more than 170 million animals per year ao ano with PIC genetics worldwide.

Our Story

Genetic Improvement

Top Value Genetics

Agroceres PIC has the largest and best structure for genetic improvement of swine in Latin America. In synergy with PIC, present in the main global swine production centers, we offer exclusive advantages for our clients - both pig farmers and agribusinesses:
Agroceres PIC is the ultimate globally competitive genetics.

Innovation and Evolution

Agroceres PIC has developed an advanced program to provide maximum efficiency and results to its clients, in order to update its genetic base, with the following core strategies:

Technology Leadership

In addition to the extremely updated genetic base, Agroceres PIC makes convergent use of powerful breeding tools and technologies to ensure the best genetic indexes in the Market. 

Agroceres PIC sows and boars are always at the top, with maximum genetic value.

Commitment to Results

In modern swine husbandry, the great responsible for improvements in zootechnical and economic performance of the herd is genetic progress. The faster the progress, the more benefits are transferred to the Market.

Agroceres PIC has an absolute commitment to the maximum genetic progress of animals, offering swine with continuous gains in efficiency and always the best economic return for the entire production chain.

Have a look at our performance in this area


Sustainability pillars


The pork chain has been strongly impacted by ESG concerns. There is no denying that this change is helping to bring food quality and health to more people, as well as making the industry itself more sustainable.

At Agroceres PIC, social, environmental and governance issues are being integrated and submitted to a multidisciplinary management, in order to generate sustainable solutions and reinforce our commitment to social, environmental and corporate responsibility.


Operating under the highest sanitary standards in all its production processes, Agroceres PIC is a reference in biosafety, in Brazil and abroad.

Agroceres PIC has a broad and demanding policy to ensure the best production practices and animal welfare, throughout its production system, aligned with the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). For this purpose, it has a department entirely dedicated to the topic, which reports directly to the business director.

Quality Management

For Agroceres PIC quality is a commitment and a matter of honor. That is why it keeps all its operational units under the Integrated Quality Management System, rigorously controlling, from end to end, all the company's processes - among which we have research, production, logistics, marketing and technical support to customers.

It is a strong culture – a legacy of 75 years of experience of the Agroceres Group and almost 50 years of our partnership with PIC - that allows us to operate with high quality standards and offer products developed with high technology provided to our customers throughout the country.

Quality Policy

To provide customers with products of high genetic value that meet the applicable quality requirements.
To implement continuous improvement in production processes, control systems and quality management.
To train and develop the team, focusing on its skills and continuous professional improvement.
To optimize resources so as to maintain the profitability of the business and the development of the company.

Quality Policy for the Liquid Genetics

Provide customers with high genetic value inseminating doses that meet the applicable quality requirements.
To implement continuous improvement in production processes, control systems and quality management.
To train and develop the team, focusing on its skills and continuous professional improvement.
To optimize resources so as to maintain the profitability of the business and the development of the company.
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