The genetics of the Pig – Agroceres PIC


Genetic Foundation Excellence for Superior Results

AG 1010 and AG 1020 stand out for their reproductive capabilities and for passing on to their progeny key genetic traits essential for high performance, such as prolificacy, maternal ability, feed efficiency, and longevity 

Featuring a robust physical conformation, AG 1010 and AG 1020 possess exceptional genetic merit for imparting valuable traits to their offspring, such as an optimal number of functional teats, superior leg structure, impressive growth efficiency, and outstanding carcass and meat quality.

Phenotypic Selection for Maximum Productivity

The physical evaluation and selection of AG 1010 and AG 1020 females is assisted by cameras that, using an algorithm, provide precise and objective analysis of the structure and leg conformation of the sows. PIC and Agroceres PIC use this digital system for physical selection of animals in their Elite Farms, ensuring high precision in leg quality.

More accurate, the system allows for simultaneous analysis of various phenotypic aspects, such as weight, body structure, and overall health. This state-of-the-art technology ensures total quality and continuous genetic evolution.

Optimal Genetic Power for Future Generations

AG 1010 and AG 1020 pass on to their offspring traits with significant economic impact as a result of meticulous and careful selection.

AG 1010 and AG 1020: superior genetics enhanced with each successive generation

See also


The swine breeder with the highest economic return in the market. It is the most used in the world, a reference in kg weaned/female/year.

OIC Terminal Sires

Progenies with better feed conversion, optimal daily weight gain, higher carcass yield and meat quality.

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